jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Starting High School One Hour Later May Reduce Teen Traffic Accidents

This study was made by Science and its studiers of limits and how to improve society when is talking about sleep for the teen traffic accidents. They made a study that by having a late start to school Teens were more awake and alert and for their instints they coukd work imedietly without suffering a traffic accident some of the result this experiment or study acomplish or put an end to a doubt was:  "As a result, adolescents get an inadequate amount of sleep due to early school start times, which increases their daytime sleepiness and may in turn increase their odds of crashing their vehicles while driving." I for my personal response and opinion think that a late start would be better because from all statistic percentage and from their rates of what can could happen leads that teens that are drivers but obtain the 9 hours sleep will have a less  probability of crashing.

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