jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Thorndike and Skinner

Edward Thorndike:

1. Explain Thorndike's puzzle-box experiment.
Put cat in a puzzle box – observe the cat’s behavior toward escaping to get the food.
2. Explain Thorndike's "Law of Effect".
Law of Effect:  Actions bring a consequence and that determines future behavior3. Explain Thorndike's "Law of Exercise".For the law of Exercise he stated that if a behavior is used it will continue and it will be reinforced, but if it is not used, their improvement or reinforcement will disappear.
B.F. Skinner:

1. Explain Skinner's concept of Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning:  reinforcement and punishment change our behavioral tendencies
2. What does reinforcement always do?Reinforcement: behavior increase
3. What does a punishment always do?Punishment: behavior to decrease
4. Explain the difference between "positive" and "negative" as they are used in operant conditioning.
Pos (+): something is given
Neg (-): Something is taken away